Number 3 Welsh wing 
air training corps
adventure training web site



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Qualification and Training


All our adventure training staff are nationally qualified instructors. To find out how to gain such qualifications click here






 3 Welsh Wing Adventure Training Technical Panel

The Number Three Welsh Wing Adventure Training Technical Panel is comprised of qualified and experience staff who work together as a team to create policies and training schemes to improve adventure training in the wing. Click here to find out more.







Number 3 Welsh Wing Notice Board

If you want to keep up to date with all the up and coming adventure training activities this is the best place to start.






Expedition to Nepal 2000


In 2000 two units from Number Three Welsh Wing organised and participated in an expedition to Nepal. Find out more about their adventure here.






We have a wide verity of links for you to view including unit web sites and useful adventure training web site. Click here to see what the rest of the web has to offer.




Number 3 Welsh Wing Cadet Adventure Training Camp


The annual Number 3 Welsh Wing adventure training camp has been scheduled to take place between the 26th July and the 2nd of August 2003. For further information on the camp and the activities offered contact a member of staff on your unit.



First Aid At Work Course


Flight Lieutenant T. Gardner MBE is offering anyone in the Wing the opportunity to complete a First Aid at work course. The course is 4 days long spread over two weekends and requires a minimum of 10 participants. For further information contact a member of staff on your unit.








3 Welsh Wing Adventure Training Competition


Congratulations to 561 [Aberystwyth] Squadron for wining this year’s competition. Were you there? Are your pictures here?












 Regional Register

The Wales and West Regional Register lists all qualified adventure-training instructors in Number Three Welsh Wing and the areas that they are qualified in. For further information click here.




Head Quarter Air Cadets Adventure Training Courses

To view a list of up and coming adventure training courses run by HQAC click here.







D of E Expedition Assessors

Do you need assessors for a Bronze, Silver or Gold expedition/ exploration?  This list of qualified D of E Assessors may be just what you need








Get your hands on adventure training related paper work here.









Wing Adventure Training Technical Officer: -

Squadron Leader Roy Behnna - Number 3 Welsh Wing



Web Site Created and managed by:-

Cadet Warrant Officer Liam D. Brace – 1358 [Brynamman] Detached Flight 



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